Wednesday, September 2, 2009

grades grades grades

Well, the gradebook program at school seems to be working now. I've been entering grades this evening. I had 3 sets, and didn't even realize I was that far behind on entering them. Other teachers are still having problems, so the administration has pushed back the progress report grade due date. Next week instead of this week. Probably just as well.

There is an added bonus because I can go through all the late work, and all the papers that the kids turned in without their names on them, and plug in those scores now. I've only been trying to do that for a week... and the pile of papers keeps growing. I can also make some calls and notify some parents that little Johnny's grade won't be so shiny because he won't turn his work in. I have one student who doesn't have any grades!!! None!!! Yikes.

I can also work on the pile of to-be-graded papers some more. I've been doing better this year, but there is still a pile. Ahhh a teacher's bane. I tell my students that if they REALLY want to torture me, they will turn in every assignment for me to grade, and make a lot of work for me. Zero's are waaayyy too easy.

Well, back to the grind...


Fran said...

Ah, grading English papers. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and content. I don't miss it at all.

So, do they still write things out by hand, or do you get stuff turned in that's computer-generated now?

Dina said...

Sigh. Still written by hand, most of the time.