Sunday, September 20, 2009


This weekend went by so fast! If that's the sign of a good weekend, then so be it! This was, indeed, a good weekend.

First, Lillian and Fran were here, and I had a good time seeing them, and instigating their desire to move back. They are seriously thinking about it. Seriously! WOot! They are heading back to Seattle tomorrow, and I wish them a safe journey. I have a good feeling about seeing them again soon, though. I really do. I know that when something is the right thing to do, it just seems to fall into place. Why is that? because you are prepared for it to. So, soon!

Second, although I was too busy (and so was Roxanne) to go sew yesterday, I made it to Roxanne's house today. We didn't even plug in the sewing machines today. But we plotted and planned. Yes we did. I got started cutting our my niece's birthday present. Roxanne organized the dress she wants to work on next, and it should be a really nice one. Lots of gathered layers, and I really think its going to move well, and she will like it. I shared some of my thoughts on wardrobe planning. I hope it does us both some good.

So the day zoomed by, and since gaming ended late last night, I'm pretty much done for the day already. Of course its not like its so, so early for that, really, but still. Hope you have had a good weekend.

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