Wednesday, September 30, 2009

time flies

OK, I've talked about autumn already. The cooler weather. Waiting for the freeze to make the trees drop all their leaves simultaneously. blah blah blah

Now its time for the OTHER side of fall. The flies. The sticky, slow, horrible ones. The bloated ones that don't even buzz. They drone. On, and on, and on... Yeah. Those flies.

As if flies weren't disgusting and yucky enough at their best, there have to be these end of the season ones. Flies that put the others to shame. Flies that make those early, innocent flies seem like a treat. Yeah.

Time to check my drink before I take a swallow, just in case. Oh, yeah, sometimes there will be one in there every day. yuck. Time to carry around the fly bane. Yes, I mean the fly swatter. But, these flies are hip to that. They know what it means, so they fly off, only to return when you finally set it down and turn your attention to something else.

Oh, when will that freeze come? Not any time soon, so we'll be "enjoying" these flies for a while.


Fran said...

Okay, I'm not missing those at all!

We get huge horrible bloated flies in the summer, but now? Now we have to worry about spiders deciding it's too bloody cold out there and could we light the fire, please?

Dina said...

...and you know exactly the flies I'm talking about too, don'tcha. Especially the ones out at GHS...