Wednesday, November 18, 2009

doing this

I'm sitting here, at the computer, getting through my begin-to-blog routines (just have to look at cake wrecks, first) and wondering what the heck I'm going to write about. Should I not write? Well?

But this is my procrastination tactic so I won't have to grade a few more papers... no, I must blog. Can not grade.

Still do not have topic...

Stayed late at work so a couple of students could catch up on some work. Got some work done myself, but not all that needed doing, of course. So I really, really don't want to do any more grading... Hmmm. Wait, is that something shiney?


Fran said...

Welcome to my world, especially tonight when I'm too tired to think.

Whaddya think, youtube videos? Heh.

Dina said...

But that would entail finding one to post. While the viewing would be entertaining, and certainly a grand way to procrastinate the writing, sometimes actually picking and posting are more effort than I want. Meh...