Saturday, November 28, 2009

saturday sewing production line

Well, we edged a lot of fleece to make blankets/throws for gifts. I think there were 15, and I have 2 more to do. We decided to make stuffed rocking horses, as well. About a dozen of them. While they are not in and of themselves difficult, we noticed - after we had done (or thought we had) all the cutting out, leaving tiny scraps - that one of the pieces was missing. An important piece. Sigh. So, off to the idea place, and we come up with a solution...

We got an extra sewing day in this week, thanks to Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful way to mostly avoid black Friday. We'll need it to get these projects done, I think, and some extra hands as well... Still, we got started on construction today, even if it was prep construction. There will be a lot of stuffing involved, and some hand sewing as well, even if it isn't a ton on each one, doing it a dozen times tends to add up.

I think the last time I made these, I kept the proto-type, because it was... well... proto-type-y, and they got better after that. Just keep saying, "they'll turn out fine, they'll turn out fine..."

I think we'll both be happy when the holiday sewing is done this year, and I'll bet we start it earlier next year...

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