Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today was a beautiful fall day here in New Mexico, the likes of which we don't often get. The sky was clear, the air was crisp, the leaves on the trees turning to yellow (at least in our yard).

Oh sure we had a cold snap in October, but then temperatures climbed nearly into the 80's again. This time, I think fall means it. It has been a treat this year to watch the leaves turn. It seems like every autumn in recent memory, they've been green until the frost, and then they all fall out of the tree the next day. It is weird to experience that leafy shower, instead of the gradual approach, letting us get used to the idea of winter, and naked trees.

A breeze kicked up this afternoon, and I noticed more leaves in the yard than had been there before, so I suspect they aren't long in the trees at this point. Still, ahhh... autumn.

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