Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well, I'm late so I don't want to write much. I want to get to sleep. OK, I do want to write more than I should if I want to get to sleep sooner.

It was a good day for working on Christmas. I got some send-out-with-the-Christmas-cards gifts made. I had them made, but the idea was mine. Thanks to the helpful person at the copy center, who was willing to stretch a bit, and try something she had not done before.

I also finished a scarf/shawl I was knitting. That is what has kept me up later than normal. I knew I could finish it tonight, and I REALLY wanted to get done with it. It was a nice, manageable project, and I may make more, but AFTER the holidays are over. Then again, it is a cool weather type gift, so not much after the holidays...

Now for the wrapping. I haven't gotten to that yet, nor the Christmas cards. Yes, I know I better get on it. In the next couple of days, I promise. But now, to bed. I'm finished.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Cards. I found ours so I have to get those done today. I'm glad I'm not the only one behind on that score.

The scarf/shawl sounds lovely! I'll be it's soft and pretty.

Good for you!