Friday, December 19, 2008

time for my 2 cents

I have some dear friends who are lesbians. They are married to each other, and make a wonderful, loving, positive, good-for-each-other couple. The went to CA to get legally married, and I think if they could afford it, they would travel to every state where marriages between gay or lesbian people is legally recognized and get married there. I don't know about you, but I don't know of many couples who would happily get married again and again. (not to say that the other married couples I know won't stay married, but still)

I'm not particularly an activist for much of anything, bad me. But I do have an opinion about letting gay and lesbian people get legally married. I think we should make it legal, in every state in the US. Lets face it, this issue isn't about what people other people are attracted to, or how or with whom they have sex. None of those things are going to change by recognizing these marriages legally. What will change? Their right to get insurance from a spouse's employment. Their right to have a say over medical treatment of and visitation with a very ill or injured spouse. Their right to have community property, and inheritance rights. These are the things that will change. Which of these things threaten your marriage? Which of them threaten the "sanctity" of marriage? I don't feel threatened.

I wish people could see it that way. Instead they have a knee-jerk reaction. Well, let me tell you, there are many people I don't want to have sex with (and I'm sure I'm not on hardly anyone's short list, either), and many many many people I don't want to watch do it either. And not all of them - by a long shot - are gay, or lesbian. What happens between two competent, consenting adults in private can be kept private, and I'll be fine with that.

Instead, talk about what is REALLY going to change. Make your decision based on that.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Oh my. . .

wow. . .

thank you!