Thursday, March 19, 2009

gotta share

There's this blog, see, and it really amuses me, ya know? So, I just haveta share it with you, OK? OK. Here is the link: . This person finds the coolest stuff to share. I really enjoy looking and seeing what's up now. She also makes amigurumi figures. Cool ones of characters we know and love and recognize. What are you waiting for? Go 'xplore.

Oh, yeah, I am in a better mood today. I don't stay grumpy too long - or at least I try not to, if I can make the conscious choice. Life is so much better without the grumpy pants on. Thanks for letting me borrow them, Fran, I'll wash 'em up and send them on for you.

It helps that tomorrow is Friday, and one of the perks of being a teacher - spring break - is next week. I'm going to be going to Tucson, and I don't know how connected I'll be, so don't expect the blog consistency that I mostly keep. I'll think about photos to share when I get back, and adventures as well, so hopefully interesting things on my return. And for the next couple of days, too. Sure, that's the ticket.

1 comment:

Fran said...

LOVE the dino book! What a great website!