Saturday, March 14, 2009

project update

I'm doing the toe part of my second sock. Yippee. I may actually finish it tomorrow. That will make a pair! How exciting. Of course, I'll finish my lovely pair of wool socks just in time for it to definitely be way too warm to actually wear them. Even as slippers. Still, I'll have them for next winter, and I'll feel the accomplishment of making them, and - when I can find appropriate yarn - confidence that I could make another pair... maybe even a pair with a heel.

I've also almost finished Ron's little blue dragon. He wanted a fuzzy one, and we found some fuzzy blue yarn. It was too fuzzy to actually make the dragon with, I couldn't see what the heck I was doing, and then it also seemed like more of the fuzz was ending up on the inside of the dragon instead of the outside... So, I made the dragon, and now I'm adding fuzz. He got set aside for a bit, but I got a lot of the fuzz done today, and I think I could get the rest done tomorrow... or maybe Monday, while I'm watching Heros, or Medium. He still needs his back ridge, and his wings, and his face as well. None of that will take a long time to finish.

So, hopefully I'll be taking some finished project pictures tomorrow. And, getting my next project lined up. Will it be the big dragon for Raine, or a crocheted spider plant? I'm not really sure yet.

1 comment:

Fran said...

A crocheted spider plant? What a great idea!

And I do want to see pictures of the socks and the fuzzy dragon, most definitely.