Tuesday, March 10, 2009

who watches the watchmen

Let me tell you, I do! This is a great superhero movie, but I won't go into any spoilers, here. Just don't take your little ones, this movie is rated R for good reason. Talent, filmography, great special effects. oooooh baby.

It didn't hurt that I got to see the movie in Las Cruces' newest theater, either. Allen Theaters has held the monopoly here for a good long while. In a way, I don't mind because at least they are locals, and not some conglomeration. Still this theater finally has the comfy seats with the armrests that raise up out of the way. Its much more like the theater Ron and I loved in Colorado Springs and have missed ever since then. They may even make it where you can buy your tickets online. We used to love doing that too...

What? Las Cruces moving into the "modern age?" Not likely... still I'm liking that theater.


Fran said...

A new movie theater that's not owned by the Allens? Where is it? How cool that it's one of the newfangled ones!

Dina said...

Oh, no... it's an Allen Theater. It up at the mall, 10 screens, and fancy shmancy.