Friday, April 3, 2009


I got observed not long ago, by one of our principals, for my yearly evaluation. I got to read his comments and notes, and they pretty much said that he thinks I know what I'm doing. Not a surprise, but, well, good. And what he saw was really what was going on that day. It was a timely lesson. I had been gone the day before, and the students copied all the work from each other that I left for the sub. I need to make a point with them, so I did. Copying is not acceptable, I'm not giving you a grade for it. Now, lets make sure you know what I expect on this work, and that you understand how to do it. Then lets take what is on the page, since I helped you so much with it, and take it a step further, and you get to practice some writing now.

I good lesson for my students, but not the dog & pony show some people present. Then again, he just stepped in unannounced, having had to miss the appointments he had previously made. I didn't care, really. I would rather my supervisor see what really goes on in my class, so that if there is a problem, they can give me some idea what it is and how to deal with it. I care about doing a good job, and I have a decent work ethic. I've also learned a lot about education, and I use what I've learned with my students. Still, I am what I am. I don't want to pretend to be something else, better or worse.

I hate job hunting. I don't sell myself well. I would rather give them the true me, with responses that are me, not just the "what they want to hear" answers. That, plus I'm not cute and perky. No one hires me because they think they might get a date. If I get hired, though, I do my best, and I don't think people are sorry to have me as an employee. Reflected in the evaluation that I just got, I guess.

1 comment:

Fran said...

I always hated my evaluations, not because I was a bad teacher, but because they always seemed so artificial.

So I'm glad the principal got to see you doing what you do, and I've seen you in action -- you're very good and it shows.