Wednesday, April 29, 2009

swine flu

To panic or not to panic. The news makes one feel as if they should. Of course they maximize the drama, because it gets people's interest. Still, the flu can be more serious than we think in general terms.

Still, with all the economic gloom and doom, the oil crises, global warming, there are so many potential things to panic about. There's just so much panic to go around. It starts to spread too thin, and then, eh, you have to live, and go on with the every day anyway. So the panic starts to set aside.

So, for me, no panic, no dire need to find a surgical mask to hide behind, and feel claustrophobic inside. Oh sure, I'll wash my hands, and the desks in my classroom. I'll hope the sick kids stay home. But gloom and doom? not me.

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