Sunday, August 3, 2008

without books?

I'm a reader. Always have been. I taught myself to read by the time I was four. I don't remember NOT knowing how to read. Books are one of my favorite entertainments, they are portable, you can start and stop anywhere (although sometimes you don't want to). I really like that you get to have adventures in books that you would never have in real life... and probably would never really want to be in such danger and hardship. I love that books let you get inside someone's head, they let you see into another person's thoughts and motivations. What fun!

When Raine was smaller, I didn't have much opportunity to read. I missed it, sometimes a lot. We packed up all our books, and stored them for a year while we were out of the house, remodeling. When we moved back in, we set up the bookcase, and moved the books back in... but they didn't fit! At least the paperbacks didn't. Don't. So, I'm going through them, as I described, in an earlier blog.

Still, it is such a comfort to have them available. A part of the household again. I'm actually getting to read more, so it is even MORE a comfort. I'm finding my t0-read books... and creating a bigger pile, even. It feels so good! Read, read, read.

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