Tuesday, October 7, 2008


OK. So we decided on a new MMORPG. Warhammer Online, as you might have guessed. After the fiasco of trying to buy a download copy of it on Saturday, I finally got to play for about an hour. So far, that's about all the time I've had, too. Sad, isn't it. I just can't be irresponsible and ignore the world like I should if I want to play these games!

Actually, once I learn the ropes on one, I usually enjoy it quite a bit. Learning the ropes is - however - like making a new friend, more daunting as I get older and more set in my ways. Remember that Taurus thing... liking the familiar, not liking to let go of things... uh huh, that's me all right. Ron, on the other hand, enjoys exploring the game's options. He tries out most if not all of the character classes. He eats them up and then, when he is tired of the flavor, he is done with the game.

"But," I say, "I haven't made it all the way through..."

"So," he replies, "neither have I, but I'm done with it anyway."

"ACK!" I respond futily.

And then we are off on the quest for a new game. Warhammer is a fantasy game, which is a good genre for me, and I do enjoy playing with him. It is the activity that brought us together, after all. So what am I doing here, anyway, when I should be exploring that elven territory? Ah, the story of my life, telling, not doing. Bye ya'll.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Heh. I understand Ron's point of view, actually. But I understand yours too. That's why I haven't moved on from EQ -- who can bother to learn all the new ways an RPG works? I understand EQ. And why I have dozens of different characters created on the different servers as I figure out how each one can work.

Most of them are up to, maybe, level 10. I only have one higher ranked one, and I haven't played in almost a year, so I could be wrong.

Go. Have fun!