Sunday, August 9, 2009


I met a goal today. We were having company over for dinner, and I cleaned off the table so people could eat there. That had been one of my goals for the summer. It usually is.

See, I would like for the table to be in a usable state for us to eat at. But, it gets covered with stuff. A lot of stuff sometimes. I mean, there was the stale gingerbread house from Christmas. A dead plant. (it wasn't dead when it got to the table, and not for a long time even after, but now... dead)
And you know who leaves the table in this condition? Who creates the stacks of stuff?

I do.

I know. It's me. I own it. But at least, for today, the table is dinner ready. Until it's not, and then it will become the goal again.

I also unpacked one of those boxes that have been sitting around for ever. This one had evidently been sitting around since 1999. At least it was easy to decide where things went. 95% of it went straight to the trash. 5% will be yard sale fodder. 5% washed and kept.

So here's to meeting your goals, even when that wasn't your official plan for the day, and it just happens to work out that way. And here is to stuff that's easy to purge from your life, and the little treasures that you didn't even know were there.

...and to keeping the table unpiled with stuff so you can sit there and visit with a friend.

1 comment:

Fran said...

We had to have the cable guy come in and fix our internet, and I looked at the stacks and piles of stuff and shrugged. It's who we are. Dusty and tottering piles of stuff, that's us.

But once in a while, a surface re-emerges. And that's kind of a nice feeling too.

Congratulations on finding your table and unpacking a box. It may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but it's really a very good thing!