Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, what's going on today? Not much around here. I'm sure I could talk about Raine ad nauseum. Or school. But I really don't feel like it. I'll probably play a little Civ again, but I talked about that yesterday, and I really don't need to get toooo geeky on that topic. I've made a sackboy head with a mouth. I really liked the yarn I used for the head, but didn't really have a good lip color, so I used pink, which becomes the lips. Carl says it looks rather strange. I may have to go with the face color, but I really don't want that either. Time to go to the yarn shop? Perhaps.

Anyway, little to nothing new to say, unless you want to hear about chores, or summer plans. Again. So, I won't. I'll talk to you tomorrow, then, if I can think of something meaningful or new.


Fran said...

Isn't it amazing how you can sit at the computer, look at your blog, and everything you thought would be good blog material through the day either vanishes or suddenly sucks?

Dina said...
