Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gearing up

My 30th high school reunion is this coming weekend. I think I've mentioned that before. But it is this weekend. Now. Get ready! Pick your outfit! People are getting to town for it.

Working with the reunion committee has been a great experience for me, seeing these people in the light of all-grown-upness. My light AND theirs... Connecting and reconnecting, and hearing about people I know or knew from a different perspective. It is very cool.

We did some final planning tonight, tried to get things ready for Friday, and we talked. Talked for a couple of hours, and it was good. I know that I'm not really expressing myself well, but let me see if I can get the idea across. I work in a high school, and there are days when I see myself and my classmates in these high school students. I encourage them when I can, and try to let them get a glimpse of what is on the other side of that high school diploma, what life is really like. I'm getting a different version of my own glimpse now. All the different lives, and experiences and stories that my classmates have. Some I'm sure I'm glad I did not have to live through, others are more amazing. The places people have seen and the things they have done... and come out the other side saying "Wow! What a ride!" Its kinda cool, really, getting that looking back at yourself looking forward feeling.

1 comment:

Fran said...

I didn't go to my 30th, so go and have FUN! You'll have great stories, I have no doubt!