Wednesday, January 14, 2009

just what i needed

This afternoon, when I parked in the driveway after work, there was Raine peeking out the window at me. She was making silly faces, and happy to see you faces, and saying Mama, Mama, Mama. It was just the best kind of pick-me-up I can think of. It was even better because our morning this morning wasn't so shiney. I was supposed to be at work this morning earlier than usual. Of course the main reason that I'm not there at that time every morning is because I have morning child care duty... and morning is not her favorite time.

I had talked to her the night before about needing to get ready and leave a little earlier. I woke her up and reminded her. But she just couldn't do it. I don't think she was trying to be... well, trying, but she was. I picked out her clothes since she did not do that in a timely manor, and of course I didn't get the right ones... so then the sullen stubbornness sets in. Sigh. Well, we finally got ourselves ready to leave, and accomplished all those morning activities and I walked her to school, but it was not our best morning, or anywhere close.

So, to have that happy that my mama's home greeting... well, it was pretty great.

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